Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
and in the alternation of night and day
there are (mighty) signs for men of understanding-
Those men of understanding who remember Allah standing
and sitting and lying on their sides, and keep reflecting on the
wonders of the creation of the heavens and the earth (and admit
saying): “Our Lord! You have not created all this (Universe) in vain.
Glory be to You! Save us Lord!
from the torment of the Blazing Fire.
“Our Lord! whomsoever You cause to enter Hell,
him You have surely disgraced, and for the wrongdoers
there shall be no helpers.
“Our Lord! we have heard a proclaimer calling to Faith (saying):
‘Believe in your Lord;’ so we have come to believe.
Our Lord! forgive us our sins, and wipe off our misdeeds from us
and cause us (in all grace) to die with the righteous.
“Our Lord! grant us that which You have promised to us through
Your Apostles and disgrace us not on the Day of Reckoning.
Surely You never fail in your Promise.”
and in the alternation of night and day
there are (mighty) signs for men of understanding-
Those men of understanding who remember Allah standing
and sitting and lying on their sides, and keep reflecting on the
wonders of the creation of the heavens and the earth (and admit
saying): “Our Lord! You have not created all this (Universe) in vain.
Glory be to You! Save us Lord!
from the torment of the Blazing Fire.
“Our Lord! whomsoever You cause to enter Hell,
him You have surely disgraced, and for the wrongdoers
there shall be no helpers.
“Our Lord! we have heard a proclaimer calling to Faith (saying):
‘Believe in your Lord;’ so we have come to believe.
Our Lord! forgive us our sins, and wipe off our misdeeds from us
and cause us (in all grace) to die with the righteous.
“Our Lord! grant us that which You have promised to us through
Your Apostles and disgrace us not on the Day of Reckoning.
Surely You never fail in your Promise.”
Al Imran 190,194
Significance: Anyone who recites the first 5 verses of the last Ruku of Surah Al-Imran before going to bed, his Iman will remain intact and he will be able to wake up at any time he desires without any assistance whatsoever.
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